Leakers… (02.15.17)

By now, I’m sure most of you know about Flynn’s exit and the chaos in the White House. This morning, he must have thrown a fit and succeeded in getting his phone back and engaged in a tweet storm.

Among other things, he tweeted:

Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia, and

Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia

Instead of being Americans First, the Republicans, particularly in the House of Representatives, want to focus on investigating the leakers, rather than the close connections between ’45, his campaign and administration, and the Russians.

We’ve seen this before. The Republicans had to be dragged kicking and screaming to investigate Watergate. They finally gave in when the evidence of wrongdoing became overwhelming, and the public  rose up and demanded it. We need to keep the pressure on Congress to investigate the current situation, but that’s the subject for another blogpost.

Let’s talk about the leakers. To me, they are patriotic heroes. They put themselves at risk, professionally and personally, to shine light on truth.

Here’s a non-exclusive list of some of those heroes: Daniel Ellsberg  and the Pentagon Papers, Deep Throat of Watergate fame, Edward Snowden and the U.S. surveillance state, and Jeffrey Wigand and the dangers of cigarette smoking.

Leakers, together with the Free Press, have been proven to act as a checks on illegal and other nefarious governmental and industrial actions. Without them, the Vietnam War would have continued longer, Nixon would have gotten away with his schemes, we would have never learned about the “security state,” and tobacco still would be deemed safe. The lesson of Watergate is, “Where there is smoke, there is fire.”

The leakers surrounding the “Flynn Affair” are serving in this great tradition. Without them, it is clear to me that we would NEVER have learned about the facts. For months, I have been most troubled about 45’s love affair with Putin and Russia. I sincerely hope that you are, too. We must get to the bottom of this!

We must put pressure on all of our governmental representatives, Congressmen and Senators to do their patriotic duty. A Watergate-like type independent prosecutor must be appointed and given free rein to find the facts.


To the leakers, I applaud you and wish you well. Keep up the good work. Only through your work will we learn the truth.

Danger, Will Robinson!* (02.13.17)

On February 10, Public Policy Polling (“PPP”) released a poll relating to many aspects of the Trump presidency. I would like to focus on only one of the poll’s findings:

-Voters are concerned by the implications of Trump’s fight with the Judiciary. 53% of voters say they trust Judges more to make the right decisions for the United States, to only 38% who trust Trump more. And only 25% of voters think Trump should be able to overturn decisions by Judges that he disagrees with, to 64% who don’t think he should be able to do that. Trump voters have evidently had enough of the Constitution and those pesky checks and balances though- 51% of them think he should personally be able to overturn decisions he doesn’t agree with, to only 33% who dissent. [emphasis added.]

Excuse me?!! Over one-half of Trump voters believe that Trump should be able to personally nullify decisions that he doesn’t like?

It is unclear how to measure this metric. Just how many people are “Trump voters.”? Are we talking about the popular vote? Clinton clearly won that vote by almost 2.9 million, but that is irrelevant. Trump still amassed 62,979,879 votes, 46.1% of the total vote. But, what portion of that vote reflects his hardcore support, recognizing that some portion of those votes were cast largely in protest against Clinton. I tried researching this question, but came up short.

So, I’ll go out on a limb. I’m going to presume that about 32% of the Nation’s voters make up his core support. I base that percentage on the PPP poll’s findings:

38% trust Trump more than judges.
27% don’t think Trump needs to divest himself from his businesses.
31% don’t think that Trump needs to release his income taxes.
32% would like to repeal Obamacare.
22% support a Muslim ban.
37% believes that Trump is more credible than the New York Times.
38% have an unfavorable opinion of Saturday Night Live.

This means that about 41,224,000 Americans, 32%, do not know or care about our Nation’s Constitutional safeguards against tyranny.  Contemplate that for a moment……

Let’s put this into some historical perspective by looking at the 1928, 1930, and 1932 elections in Germany’s Weimer Republic.**  In the 1928 election, the Nazis only got 2.6% of the vote. In 1930, the Nazis increased their share to 18.3%. Two elections were held in 1932. The first election took place on July 31, and the Nazis garnered 37.3% of the vote. During the November 6 election, however, the Nazis lost support, falling to 33.1%. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor less than three months later, on January 30, 1933. Only two months later, on March 23, 1933, the Reichstag, Weimer’s parliamentary body, adopted The Enabling Act, effectively destroying  itself by negating its lawmaking powers.***

Do you have goosebumps now? Yes, just one-third of Germans voted for Hitler. It took Hitler some time before he was able to fully silence the press, the Reichstag, and judiciary.

We in the other two-thirds of America must insist on protecting the independence of our Judiciary and all decision makers in our Democracy. Judge bashing by those in the Executive Branch is un-American and disgraceful. An independent Judiciary is the last best hope for weathering the Trump era. And, that’s not just limited to the Judiciary. Enabling Trump to overturn any decisions that he doesn’t like would utterly destroy our Democracy.

All Americans, even those who are Trump’s core supporters, need to understand these facts.

* Lost in Space, TV series, 1965-1968, third season episode, Deadliest of the Species.

** I recognize that this is in imperfect comparison because our political system differs substantially from the Weimer Republic’s  parliamentary system.

***I fear that many Republican Congressmen and Senators are too afraid to stand up to Trump, his administration, and his core supporters. One slip up, and Trump may blast them by tweet or otherwise, causing them ultimately to lose power and prestige. Other Republicans lawmakers appear to have made peace with the new regime, hoping finally to destroy FDR’s New Deal programs and Medicare and Medicaid, among others.


All Come To Look For America *(02.12.17)

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. We should be celebrating freedom, inclusiveness, and the dignity of every human being.

I’m not celebrating.

I am angry.

Families are being split up.

People are living in fear.

An otherwise innocent knock on the door at another time now could signal disaster.

No, we’re not talking about the Gestapo.

Immigration and Customs Service agents are scouring the country looking for undocumented immigrants. A new reign of terror has begun.


America has lost its way. The USA that rebuilt a war-destroyed Europe, created the United Nations to avoid war, and helped those less fortunate is comatose.

Just take a bird’s-eye view of our two political parties. Democrats have a large tent and a platform that has long centered on helping “regular folks.” Attendees at the Democratic Convention were of all races, creeds, and religions, reflecting the true makeup of our society.

Conversely, Republicans focus on capital growth and maximizing each person’s assets, at the cost of those less fortunate. Their appeal is to an ever shrinking, white population, as evidenced by the attendees of the Republican Convention. Very little diversity there. Their angry, incessant cheers of “lock her up” were frighteningly similar to the unthinking chants at a Nazi rally. Joseph Goebbels would have been proud. They threaten the very bedrock principals of our democratic system of government, such as the separation of powers, free speech and press, separation of church and state, due process, and equal protection.

What does the Republican Party stand for today?

Not truth.
Not piously professed “family values.”
Not paths to citizenship.
Not healthcare unless it is profitable.
Not gun control measures.
Not loving your neighbor if he or she is not white, Christian, or straight.
Not logic.
Not science.
Not women’s, minority, and LGBTQ rights.
Not food unless you can afford it.
Not curbing Capitalism’s excesses.

They should be ashamed.

President Eisenhower and Governor Rockefeller are spinning so fast in their graves that they just might drill themselves right out of the ground.

America is lost. I am heartbroken. We might be the richest country in the history of the world, but we are the poorest one when it comes to respecting and caring for each other.

I can only hope against hope that there “is light at the end of the tunnel.”

* America© 1968, by Simon and Garfinkel

Déjà vu


I participated in the “Sisters March” of about 1,200 people, in Frederick, MD. We were gathered at one of the bridges on Carroll Creek, listening to speakers. I looked around at my fellow citizens. I saw younger people and their children, some in strollers. Colorful and strident signs bobbed up and down.

Folks were having a good time. We were on the same page, unified against the new president and his policies. A bit of a carnival atmosphere prevailed.

I suddenly became somber. I started to feel dread, fear, and paranoia. They were familiar feelings. The last time I felt those emotions was almost 50 years ago, at Ohio State University during the Spring of 1970. For weeks, the campus was roiled by protests, first against racism, and, then, after Nixon bombed Cambodia, against the Vietnam War. Such protests occurred throughout the Country.

I participated in them. I almost got shot twice at Ohio State, once by the Columbus police and the other by the National Guard just after the Kent State Massacre. I lived under marshal law. Yes, marshal law here in the United States. I literally lost my liberties.

I  never have gotten over those weeks and months of protest.

The State is powerful. It has all of the tools to intimidate and utterly destroy any opposition and dissent.

We also face a large minority of Americans who view us in disdain and likely will do everything to delegitimize and weaken us.

We must be realistic. We must be prepared to pay the price for our dissent. It will come from the State. It also could come from our fellow Americans who support Trump. In any case, we must do our very best to claim the high moral ground and make our points with large crowds and non-violence.

Back in 1970, I clearly remember the day after Kent State. A few of us went to a friend’s apartment. We discussed what happened, and what we should do. Some of us talked about taking up arms. We were being killed! We were raw. We were angry. We ultimately decided that going to war over the War didn’t make sense. Armed resistance would be futile. Rocks and bricks would do nothing against tanks and M-16’s.

The stakes today, however, are much higher than at that time. Our entire Constitutional form of government is wobbling. Facts and truth have become relative. Fear and a critical loss of trust and faith pervade the land.

Yes, we must be realistic. Today and onward, we need to follow Trump’s example. All options must be on the table.

Americans First? (02.04.17)

The first days of Trump’s reign have left all of us reeling. I’ve had so many face palm moments over the last two weeks that I worry about asphyxiating. I won’t take your time going through all of them. Other folks are doing thatTrump and his merry band of authoritarian fools want us to be spun around so fast that we fall over from terminal dizziness.

So, today, rather than discussing each and every burning tree, let’s look at the entire smoldering forest.

What the Hell are we: Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and progressives or Americans?

Do we love our Country more than our political affiliations?

Have each of us taken the time to really read and understand our Declaration of Independence and Constitution?

Does each of us really understand what truly is at stake here?

These two weeks have brought us a whirlwind of “alternative facts,” sledgehammer bashing of the news media, attacks on the judiciary, and a total breakdown of order and respect in Congress.

Every American should be out on the streets. That’s right, every American. That’s how serious this situation is.

Each and every one of us needs to look in the mirror and ask, “Am I an American first?”

Our politicians, in particular, those in the Republican party, need to ask themselves this question. Does the Constitution or the party come first? Is the Bill of Rights toilet paper? Do we really want to become a banana republic? Just where do your loyalties lie?

This is the time for true, selfless patriotism.
This is not about getting re-elected.
This is not about campaign donations.
This is not about policy differences.
This is not about being red or blue.

We have never been in this situation before.

Are you an American first?

We Can’t Say We Weren’t Warned (02.01.17)

I just heard General Flynn, Trump’s security adviser, “officially put Iran on notice.” Does this sound familiar? Iraq, anyone? These first weeks of Trump’s reign of “shock and awe” on the American people are setting us up for a disastrous, utterly unwinnable war against Iran. Will this war occur? You bet it will.

Let’s listen to the wisdom coming from the mouth of a war criminal, Nazi Germany’s Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring. For those unfamiliar with Göring, you can quickly get up to speed by checking Wikipedia. Notwithstanding my loathing for the man as an American and a Jew, he was not a stupid man. Unlike many other Nazi leaders, he was a war hero during WWI and was creative, insightful, and self-aware. (See https://www.minnpost.com/mental-health-addiction/2014/04/men-and-monsters-nazi-and-psychiatrist-explores-one-historys-most-tr .

While in prison on April 18, 1946, Göring was interviewed by a U.S. psychologist, Gustave Mark Gilbert. Göring made the following statements that are most relevant to today:

Göring: Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

Since 9/11, Americans have been trading in their freedoms for security. It has been a fairly slow process, but that process, I believe, has been accelerating at breakneck speed during the first weeks of Trump’s administration. The Press, which now is the last bulwark against authoritarianism, has largely been delegitimized by the far right. “Alternative facts,” a term worthy of Joseph Goebbels,  has been added to our lexicon and cries of “Lying Press” have been heard throughout the land. The only dependable “truth” comes from Trump and his allies. Dissent has erupted throughout the land, but that dissent so far has been met largely with indifference and scorn by those in power. Bureaucrats are told to get with the program or get out.

Let’s take Göring’s words to heart. We are on the fast track towards authoritarianism. Only we, the People, can save us. We must support the Press’s efforts to hold Trump’s and his quislings’ feet to the fire. We must NOT give in to fear.